Fuel Spill Containment - The Essential Key to Damage Control In the Event of a Fuel Spill


A fuel spill can be a highly dangerous situation. Fuel is flammable and can even lead to explosion. So what do you do when it happens and you're responsible? There are several keys to handling fuel spill containment that will help you defuse the situation.


First of all, containment is key in a situation like that. It means that the spilled fuel is kept from spreading and getting out of control. The main principle of containment is putting a barrier between the fuel and the environment so that the fuel will stay in place and can be cleaned up.


And how can fuel be contained? The ideal tools for the job are spill berms. They're also sometimes referred to as spill dikes, and that's exactly what they are.


Like a dike that's responsible for keeping the ocean water away from land, spill dikes are designed to keep whatever has spilled away from surrounding areas. So if fuel has spilled, it will be contained securely in a limited area and won't be able to cause major damage.


Fuel spill containment Boom Singapore equipment comes in several varieties, with and without a bottom. The berms without a bottom are simply arranged around the spill and will keep it in place. However, fast clean-up is essential so the spill won't drain into the ground and contaminate the ground water. In fact, if there's a drain nearby, you should also use a drain protector kit to prevent the spill to flow down the drain.


Spill berms with bottoms will prevent such draining into the ground. However, they're more suitable to prevention than to use with a spill that has already occurred. This means that if there is a truck where there might be leakage, you can drive that truck onto a spill berm with a bottom and it will successfully contain the spill.


You can also arrange such a spill berm on a truck bed to ensure that any spills that might happen will be safely contained.


Then what? After the spill has been contained, it's time for cleanup. Various types of absorbents can be used to mop up the spilled liquid. You could use a spill kit, loose absorbents, or pads, pillows, booms, and more, to absorb the liquid and remove it.


Of course you want to make sure you have all that equipment handy if and when a spill occurs, so stock up before the fact so you can act quickly when needed.


Want to know more about fuel spill containment? Visit us!


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